Minimalistic Text PRO APK FULL

Minimalistic Text PRO APK FULL

 Minimalistic Text is a widget app that displays information in a minimalistic way .It can be configured to display time , date , battery and weather information. The layout of the widget is highly customizable through the layout editor .Videos from YouTube :Barcode Bar Battery : custom fonts : 
Minimalistic Text Languages ​​supported:* English* Denmark* German* Griego* Dutch* Poland* Norway* French* Croatia* Serbia* Czech* Spanish* Estonia* Italian* Portuguese* Hungary* Russian* Swedish* Simplified Chinese* Traditional Chinese* Slovak* Afrikaans* Slovenian* Hebrew* Bulgarian* Catalan* Korean* Turkey* Finnish* UkrainianExplanations for the permission requests :android.permission.VIBRATE ****used in the layout editor to give your opinion that an item has been draggedandroid.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION ****used by the weather service to get your location coarse and retrieve the weather for itandroid.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE ****needed to determine if the weather data can be retrievedandroid.permission.INTERNET ****necessary to effectively retrieve weather data and to get the name of the location you areAndroid.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED ** **needed to be able to wait until the phone booted before initializingAndroid.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE ** **to access the SD card and save the preferences toAndroid.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE ** **is used to determine if the home screen is currently active. This is used by the automatic representationandroid.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE ****To enable / disable widget sizesandroid.permission.INTERNET ****To support WiFi variablesAndroid.permission.READ_CALENDAR ** **To support calendar ** **To support in-app donationde.devmil.minimaltext.permission.USE_DIRECT_CALL_ADDON ****Text Minimalisitc addon to use the direct call minimalist text ( if installed )If you have any problems , write me an e - mail !Now with support Launcher Buzz! Minimalistic text can be restored exactly the way it has been packaged with the Launcher Buzz. ! This way you can share your whole home screen easily with others Launcher buzzDownload Launcher buzz here: do not use the comments for feature requests or bugs . You can write me an email ( ) . (Of course , you can still lower rate due to bugs or missing features )

Tasker integration :1 ) add a Locale variable to design and set the variable name ( click it )2 ) in Tasker select Plugins - > minimalist text for an action3) Click "Edit" , a new activity starts4) enter the name of the variable and the text to be displayed for this variable (you can use Tasker variables )done
News:Fixed bug fixed time ( especially for manual placement )
Android required  2.2 +

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Zippyshare Link:install


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Posted by Unknown, Published at 8:04 PM